What We Do
Engineering for Demolition Works
Demolition work means to demolish or dismantle a structure or part of a structure that. is load-bearing or otherwise related to the physical integrity of the structure, but does.

Project Info
Project: M4 Bridge Demolition
Client: DECC
Collaborator: TALL Consulting Structural Engineers
Our role was to be in full time continuous presence throughout the demolition and to provide structural advice and temporary works advice, should it be required at any time during the demolition works.
The bridge was a four-span concrete construction bridge comprising of Primary Pre-Stressed concrete I-shaped Girders supported by discrete piers and abutments at either end.
Other Demolition Services
- Groundworks
- Work Down Demolition / Deconstruction
- Facade Retention
- General & Selective Demolition
- Engineered Solutions to Propping & Stabilisation
- Design & Construction of Permanent Supports to Retained Structures
- Hoarding & Temporary Noise Wall Design
- Assessment of Plant Loading Allowances for Existing Structures, Demolition Back Propping & Demolition Staging
- Engineering Support for Heavy Lifts
Let’s Work Together
Give us a call or send us your project details via the email address below.
E: info@starcengineering.com.au
A: 17-19 O’Connor Street, Chippendale NSW 2008
P: (02) 9690 1734